The Uttararamacharita of Bhavabhuti – By M. R. Kale (Author) – MLBD Publications


Paperback – 1 January 2016, 6th Edition

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The Uttararamacarita occupies a very high place in the dramatic literature of the Hindus and it is accepted by common consent as a masterpiece of the author. Bhavabhuti appears to have possessed all the requisites of the true dramatist and poet-active imagination, an exuberant fancy, the appreciation of the sublime and the beautiful, high power in characterization, a thorough knowledge of the workings of the human heart and a ready sympathy with suffering humanity. In addition to that he has a most enviable command over language and the rhythm and music of his verses are almost matchless. He is a master in the art of depicting the different emotions of the human heart and he displays everywhere a profound knowledge of the best situations calculated to enhance the impression of his delineations of such sentiments. His Uttararamacarita is essentially a drama of pathos and his indirect boast that the one sentiment of pathos is depicted by him in many colours and varied phases is not at all unmerited.

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