Vacanamala: A Sub-Commentary on Visvarupa’s Commentary Balakrida On The Yajnavalkya Dharmasastra (HB) | By Patrick Olivelle (Author) | MLBD Publications


Hardcover – 2022

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The Vacanamāla, a sub-commentary on Viśvarūpa’s commentary Bālakrīḍā on the Yājñavalkya Dharmaśāstra, is a late medieval text originating probably in Kerala and edited here for the first time. The author does not reveal his name, at least in the extant portion of the commentary. He demonstrates an encyclopedic knowledge of vast domains of learning, including grammar, lexicography, and, especially, Dharmaśāstra. His familiarity with the medieval commentaries and legal digests is impressive. The three prominent Dharmaśāstric scholars he cites most often are Vijñāneśvara. Devaṇa Bhaṭṭa, and Varadarāja. Some of these citations have significant textual differences from the printed editions of the works of these authors. Viśvarūpa’s is the earliest and the most important commentary on Yājñavalkya, and the Vacanamālā is an important medieval voice that helps us understand and interpret Viśvarūpa’s often difficult language and expression.

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