Why I am in this World (HB) | By Dr P. K. Agrawal (Author) | MLBD Publications


Hardcover – 2022

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The book ‘Why I Am In This World’ is a practical presentation of Isha Upanishad to bring home the purpose of life. All verses (18) have been firstly presented in the factual form. Then comments are offered so that difficult verses of the Upanishad can be understood by the busy reader of the day. Anecdotes, illustrations and dialogues have been given here and there so that the abstract knowledge contained in the Isha Upanishad about God, life and the World is clarified so as to reach to every person. However, all these illustrations have been taken from other Upanishads so as not to derail the spiritual subject from the highest level of the Indian seers. It is hoped that the book will help the people to make their life better and this World a better place to live.

Weight1 kg



No. of Pages




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