A Comparative Study of the Teachings of Don Juan and: Knowledge and Transformation(HB) | Author – Mark Macdowell (Author) | MLBD Publications


Hardcover – 1 January 1991

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The publication of Carlos Castaneda’s works on the teachings of Don Juan, a yaqui Indian seer, was a momentous event in the history of esoteric literature. At the time of their publication, the author was engaged in the study of Indian philosophy, with special reference to the Madhyamaka Buddhism, as formulated and expounded by Nagarjuna. The author was struck by the profound similarities between the teachings of Don Juan and Nagarjuna-in particular concerning Samvrti and Paramartha of Madhyamaka and the Tonal and Nagual of Don Juan and the concept of categorical frameworks. This recognition on his part prompted him to compose the present work. The author has chosen to write in a manner and style intelligible to the non-specialist and yet an inquiring reader. The essential unity of human experience is clearly demonstrated by the fact that human beings widely separated in space, time, language and culture, discern, at their wisest, the same fundamental truths concerning man and the world.

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