Universal Religion & the Psychic Forces (HB) | By Soumyadipta Chatterjee (Author) | MLBD Publications


Hardcover – 2022

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As the Kalyuga stands eye to eye with humanity it has destroyed all the ancient cultures of the world. Kalyuga or the dark age is a psychic force and extends much beyond our physical realities. Its roots are much deeper across all our incarnations and reincarnations. As the time passes its roots are becoming stronger. The question then comes to the mind that how do we preserve our spirituality? The answer has been given in the Bhagvada Geetha the song of the God. If we pursue the principle of Bhakti Yoga our hopes and chances increase. We can be rescued from the powerful claws of the Kaliyuga by this principle of Yoga. The Journey of the Soul is eternal and true liberation lies in understanding and accepting this reality. This book prepares the mind and heart for an eternal journey and thus this book works on inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness. By overcoming the uncertainties and knowing the unknown, human consciousness expands. This book’s uniqueness lies in scientifically exploring the psychic forces and then let readers decide their existences in their own lives.


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